Optimism is not just a philosophical viewpoint

Simple Daily Quotes

Bert Jacobs, Life is Good: The Book

“Optimism is not just a philosophical viewpoint. It’s not irrational cheerfulness, and it’s not blind positivity. Optimism is a powerful and pragmatic strategy for accomplishing goals and living a fulfilling life.”

Bert Jacobs

Paul Brodie, Motivation 101 – Quotes about Life

“Life will knock you on your butt at times. The question is, what you will do when you are down?”

Paul Brodie

“That’s what positive thinking is; it is tough-mindedness. It is refusing to be defeated. It is making the most of what you have to deal with in life.”

Norman Vincent Peale

Henry A. Dabo, Habits: 20 Easy Ways to Eliminate Bad Habits To Increase Success And Productivity

“A habit is a behavior you have practiced until your subconscious mind has accepted it as part of your being. Habits form character.”

Henry A. Dabo