Giving Happiness

Simple Daily Quotes

“I can honestly say that every gift I’ve ever given has brought at least as much happiness to me as it has to the person I’ve given it to.”

Oprah Winfrey

Kathryn Prentice, Positive Thinking – Believe

“When you believe and think you will succeed, the reality of success will follow sooner rather than later.”

Kathryn Prentice

Earl Nightingale, Why Ninety-Five Fail, Only Five Succeed

“95 percent of people never succeed because they’re following the wrong group.”

Earl Nightingale

A.C. Drexel, Productivity: Become a Master in Getting Things Done

“Why it’s necessary to have goals, even small ones, is so that you achieve and can feel good about your achievements.”

A.C. Drexel

Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Living

“And one’s thoughts determine one’s life, so that even diligent work cannot compensate for failure in the thinking process.”

Norman Vincent Peale